The Golden Ratio got its name due to its constant involvement in beauty and perfection. Interestingly, most objects that humans deem aesthetically pleasing, adhere to the Golden Ratio. For example, the proportions in the structure of a nautilus' shell follows the ratio.

The Golden Ratio even appears throughout manmade structures like the Parthenon.
Even in everyday life, humans compare what they see to an ingrained yet subconscious Golden Ratio. This is where we get the notion of "mathematical beauty". In a mathematically beautiful face, every proportion from the eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and in-between, matches up perfectly to the Golden Ratio.
Only a few requirements for being mathematically beautiful:
- eye line half way down the face
- length in-between eyes=width of nose
- tops of ears in line with eyebrows, bottoms of ear lobes in line with bottom of nose
- when smiling, corners of mouth are in line with centers of pupils
other terms:
- Phi
- Divine Proportion
- Golden Mean
- Golden Number
Super :)